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Here you'll read some of the testimonials I have received from several of my patients both the Republic of Mexico, USA and Canada. I thank all of you for being considerate and taking the time to write to me about the successes you have obtained in my Programs, Online and Face-to-Face Consultations.   and to be able to share with the world their opinions about how they enjoyed this program.






Testimonials on Nutritional Counseling continued:







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Elsy Echeverria from Mérida Yuc. Mexico

Thank you very much Nutriologist Jorge for being my ally with your Nutrition tools to achieve my goals in losing fat and weight, now I look a better body and more security in me, I have learned the truth about true Nutrition with true foods.



Carolina Gomez from Mérida Yuc. Mexico

I was able to lose 12 cm of abdomen in just 7 weeks with true Nutrition and smart use of Fitness supplementation.

Thanks to their Nutrition methods I was able to achieve my goals and now I look better my clothes, I no longer allow myself to be fooled about "healthy" foods this program is the best investment to improve not only your aesthetics but also your health,

Ayrton Estrella de Mérida Yuc. Mexico

I have never done exercises that made me sweat so uncontrollably, or left me so exhausted that I could walk — in the best possible way — or followed such far-reaching and effective diet suggestions.

I started with just 70 kilos and gained more than 12, This Program is Great.

I lost 10 cm of abdomen. I have struggled all my life to have more muscle; kick boxing made me thinner and trying to train according to my own plan only made me strong and thin. Your diet suggestions inspired me and made me so much happier in all aspects of my life, by making me more attentive. I'm sure my girlfriend and the kids would appreciate you too.

For a great future for you; you deserve it for your hard work and thank you for sharing it with everyone.

I will be happy if you quote my comment for all to see.


Veronica Mora from Canada

You are the most wonderful thing that could have happened to me for my health and food, I am from Mexico but I live in Canada and thanks to your advice, advice and this great program I was able to improve a lot with my self-esteem and thus know what to eat.

Unfortunately here where I live people eat a lot of flours, sweets and bottled soft drinks and I fell into the deception of eating "healthy and high nutritional value" foods when they only deceived me and only gained weight and more weight, but now I know what it is to eat well and how is to take my food without anyone deceiving me, I hope that everyone reads these words that I write so that they are not fooled and go to a professional like you

Postscript: From now on I eat rich and very healthy without starving and lose sizes every month, I am very happy

Karina Alvarez de Tijuana

I have been following your Chayote Challenge program for several weeks, and I wanted to tell you that the other day when I stepped on the scale I was surprised. He had never been able to drop to 62 kg. I had bought two pairs of jeans a while ago and thought that every time I wore them they made me looser. However, I thought they were my ideas. Well, I hadn't weighed myself in weeks and wanted to make sure I was still on the right track. I got on the scale and almost passed out! I can not believe it


I had dropped to 60 kg! I have NEVER been under 62kg in YEARS! So I thought about measuring my waist and abdomen. I have lost almost 2 cm in circumference in both! I was elated to say the least! I just wish I had found your program about 8 years ago, after giving birth to my daughter. These last 8 years would have been a lot less stressful for me!


Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for all your helpful tips and great exercises! By the way, yesterday I tried barbell press exercises for the first time. They were difficult, but I will insist with them. I get a lot more out of these exercises knowing for sure that they are working! Thank you!

Cinthia Peralta from Mérida Yuc. Mexico

Jorge, I'm really happy that your Reto Chayote program started.


After reading all your information, I can't believe how many things I was wasting my time with or just doing WRONG! I've definitely been doing all the wrong types of cardio and strength exercises as well.


Thanks again for giving me this much needed education on a very important topic ... my health and well-being (not to mention, I look fantastic too!

Alberto B, Mexico City

Nutri What I like about your program (aside from the great results!) Is the satisfaction I get from the workouts.

After just a few sets of your one-of-a-kind abs truth exercises (my favorites are the dumbbell row and one-arm pulls) I can feel like my body has worked really hard and after a full session, I just I feel great ... and exhausted! And the results are coming fast too! My legs thank you !!


Sent from my iPad


Ligia C. de Mérida Yuc. México

¡Excelente nutriólogo!

Después de mi embarazo subí tanto que mi ropa de maternidad la seguía usando. Debo confesar que hace mucho me habían platicado de él y la dieta cetogenica pero tenía mis dudas.

Después casi un año me atreví y hoy veo los resultados y peso lo que nunca antes y aunque aún me falta estoy feliz con los resultados de hoy en día.



Alejandra F.

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Excelente nutriologo, es la primera vez que me siento a gusto con mi dieta y apesar de mis circunstancias desde la primera semana veo muy buenos resultados, estoy feliz. Además que es muy atento y siempre responde las dudas que vayan surgiendo y está muy al pendiente de sus pacientes, 100% recomendable y seguiré con el hasta lograr mi objetivo


Dianey T.

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Excelente nutriólogo, me ayudo a obtener buenos resultados desde el inicio con la dieta keto + ayuno. Súper profesional, adapta las cosas a tu medida y/o necesidades y atento a cualquier duda, recomendado


Maggie B.

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Recomendado al 100. Con él seguí dieta keto un tiempo y luego low carb. Hace un seguimiento continuo y responde todas tus dudas. Lo mejor de todo es que te diseña tu dieta de acuerdo a lo que te gusta comer y tiene mucha variedad. Hace que estar a dieta no sea puro comer desabrido y que bajes de peso comiendo rico. Intenté bajar de peso varias veces con otras personas y no lo logré hasta que me puse en sus manos. Perdí aproximadamente 10 kg. Siempre está al pendiente de lo que necesitas y es super amable y cordial.


Denise G.

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Es un nutriologo extraordinariamente bueno. Siempre tiene una dieta especial para ti!! No hay alimento que no puedas comer, solo te enseña a comer y a combinar de manera adecuada. Simplemente excelente!! Y además es un ser humano grandioso.


Marilyn C.

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El mejor nutriólogo que he conocido!! A pesar de haber utilizado varias dietas a largo de los años, sólo con el Dr Jorge he logrado conseguir todos los objetivos que tenía para mí cuerpo y salud. Me olvido por completo de que estoy haciendo una dieta, ya que siempre tiene opciones deliciosas para comer, además de ya no sentir ansiedad de comer algo extra, porque me siento bastante satisfecha con las comidas que realizó durante el día. De verdad muchas gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por mí!!


Gerardo P.

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uno de los mejores Nutriólogos, si estas buscando algo excelente para tu alimentación y tu tiempo de comida, el es el indicado ademas de ser uno de los pocos Nutriólogos en ser experto en dieta keto nutricional y ayuno intermitentesuper recomendado perdi 19 kg de grasa en 4 meses con el y mis pantalones me quedan super enormes

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